Spring time is egg time. I didn’t know this till I owned chickens. Eggs are always available year round in the store so it is a common misunderstanding that chickens produce eggs all year round. Not true.
Chickens are creatures of light. As the sun gets lazier in the fall the chickens get lazier about laying eggs. Egg laying slows to the sluggishness of the winter sun. The chickens use this opportunity to molt last year’s feathers and grow new ones. You are lucky to get one coveted egg a day. Then as the spring calls to the sun to return, the chickens respond with abundant egg laying. It is such a welcome wonder after the long dark winter.
The yolks are a deep golden color like the sun we long for. This is caused by carotenoids, a form of vitamin A. The chicken produces this by eating lots of fresh grass, bugs and produce. Home grown eggs are loaded with beta carotene, vitamin B, A and E, and omega 3s. They also have 1/3 less cholesterol and ¼ less fat than a commercial egg.
In fact, eggs, even if they are not from the backyard, are a super food. An excellent form of protein, they contain all the essential amino acids that the human body needs. Eggs also contain most of the minerals that the human body requires for health. In particular eggs are an excellent source of iodine, required to make the thyroid hormone, and phosphorus, required for bone health. One little note here, almost all of this nutrition is in the egg yolk.
Eggs from truly free range chickens are the best in nutrition and flavor by a mile! Watch out for eggs labeled “free range”. They usually are not. The chickens have but one little door to a very small yard that has no grass or bugs. Choose eggs labeled “pasture raised” to get the best eggs in all ways.
Here is a web site where you can look up farm raised eggs in your area. They are definitely worth the effort. Or you can be like me and just start raising your own chickens. It is a fun and worthy hobby that yields food from your back yard.
You are going to love this recipe, it is egg-cellent! It was given to me by one of my friends last Easter and is both delicious and beautiful. Use apple cider vinegar for this recipe, it is so full of great nutrients.
- ¼ cup of honey
- ½ cup of apple cider vinegar
- ½ cup of water
- ½ teaspoon of sea salt
- ½ teaspoon of whole cloves
- ½ teaspoon of whole allspice
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 3 medium beets, trimmed and unpeeled
- ½ onion sliced into ¼ thick slices
- 6 large farm fresh eggs, hard boiled and peeled
- To make the pickling mixture, get out a medium saucepan and add the first 7 ingredients to it. (Honey through the cinnamon stick) Bring to a gentle boil and then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and set aside to wait for its part in the play.
- Wash the beets and trim the stems to about 1 inch above the root and cut into quarters. Place in a nice big pot and cover with water. Bring them to a boil on the stove and then lower the heat to a steady simmer for 10-15 minutes till just tender when poked by a fork. Pour the water off the beets and let cool for a few minutes.
- While those are patiently waiting to cool, take out a large mouth quart jar and add the hard boiled eggs and onions to the it. Tuck the beets in with the eggs and pour the pickling mixture over them all. Put on a nice tight lid and shake them gently till everything is well mixed. Tuck in the fridge to pickle for 24 hours up to 4 days, shaking every so often. These can be stored up to 2 weeks in the fridge. Make deviled eggs with olive oil out of these pickled eggs for a cheery delight at Easter. Hoppy eating!
Beautiful! I didn’t have a big enough jar for my second batch of these, so I used a big glass vase -worked well enough.
These ‘pinkled’ beet eggs are so addictive. I have to watch my cholesterol (low thyroid-related) but I can’t seem to pass the fridge without opening and grabbing another one of these. Plus, they are so pretty. Also, thanks for the additional nutritional information. I hear eggs are making a comeback. I use to raise hens and the yolks were so bright, almost orange, and stood high and firm.
Thanks for stopping by my salad blog, and being the first to leave a comment! (Yay!)
Making them now!
How’d they turn out?
Thanks for that website. Great post.
What a beautiful twist on devilled eggs!
What an interesting recipe you got here!
This looks amazing..and i love the idea 🙂
Wow! These look amazing and I’d love to make them, bookmarking this!
These look so pretty and so tasty…a lovely plate for Easter or any occasion!