Thanksgiving is a foodie holiday. Let’s face it, it is our high holy day. All of the foodie magazines start to arrive in late October with the covers blazoned with lacquered turkeys and mile high pumpkin pies. My heart skips a beat, I start to drool and my mind begins to turn over and over the limitless possibilities of how to turn classic thanksgiving recipes into paleo.
Somehow during this time pumpkin pie spice makes it into everything. Yup, everything. I spend long hours in the kitchen experimenting with dishes and giving them away. Yes folks, thanksgiving is a revel and romp in the kitchen with unbridled joy over the sheer joy of cooking and eating. Then when all the almond flour settles afterwards, it’s kinda of a letdown.
I mean, Thanksgiving is only ONE MEAL, over in an hour… maybe… if you eat slow. All that excitement, enthusiasm and work over one.meal. Then there is the fact that I invite way too many people every year, I just can’t stand the thought of anyone eating alone. So here is a full house, too many guests and too much food. Sensory overload! (not to speak of waistline overload!)
I found a solution. I’m having a thanksgiving dinner every Sunday until thanksgiving. (Then I might have a few after that) Why not? It makes perfect sense, if we string it out along a few weekends and gather only a few friends or family at a time and then cook a fraction of the food at the meal, voila! Great enjoyment. And that is the reason for thanksgiving, to enjoy life and be grateful for it.
We started with our first one last Sunday and it was fantastic. It was super mellow, great company, light cooking and time to play a game after diner, and I wasn’t exhausted and let down afterwards. I’m sold. So I decided to gather all my lovely thanksgiving-ish recipes today for you to enjoy and maybe have two or three thanksgivings to be grateful for this year. Happy Thanksgivings, I am so grateful to you dear readers. Thanks for being here with me. 🙂
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