Howdy folks! I’m baaaaaacccccck! Sorry I’ve been gone so long, I’ve been busy in my new life. But the call of the momma bear of Cavewoman Cafe has brought me back from hybernation. More on that later… Hubby has been feeling the winter blues lately. He has been dragging around, sniffling and coughing, and asking…
Back in action with prawns on the grill
Let me tell you a story, I’ll try to make it brief. Once upon a time there was a massage therapist and a contractor that worked very very hard for a very long time. They loved their work and lived in a sweet little coastal community where they were at home for a long time….
Oyster stew; an old tradition made paleo
“Oysters are one of the supreme delights that nature has bestowed on man.” James Beard Oysters are one of the great celebration foods that over the centuries, rich and poor alike have enjoyed. The early English settlers practically survived on oysters as they were a reliable and tasty source of nutrition. Of course, they learned…
Seaweed; available on a beach near you
About 160,000 years ago, the human diet went gourmet and started eating seaweed. This was about the time that all homo sapiens became coastal dwellers due to the fact the ocean contained a limitless source of nutrition including the super nutrient dense, salty seaweed. It turns out our ancestors were way smarter than us as…