I have a confession to make, I have affairs….with cookbooks. Yes, it’s the dirty truth. It goes like this; My new cookbook arrives in the mail, I’m so excited as I tear the package open and lovingly thumb through the pages, drooling, running my hand over the pictures, thinking of all the great things we…
Hunting for the great Easter Ham
“The Easter ham holds the same place of honor on the dinner table that milady’s hat does in the Easter Parade,” Mary Meade My earliest memories of Easter are waking up with great anticipation to the Easter basket filled with green plastic grass, jelly bean eggs and the glorious chocolate egg. It was a wonder,…
Ode to my Kitchenaid mixer; a love poem ♥
Dear Kitchenaid mixer; I am so sad that your motor conked out. You have been such a loyal steed in your bright blue jacket. We’ve made so many delicious foods together. Truckloads of cookies, crates of cakes, boatloads of fruit cobblers and crisps, wheelbarrows full of truffles, pies and muffins. Yes, I have grown so…
Easy appetizers for making merry
Tis the season for appetizers. It is their time to shine! My favorite parties to attend and give have revealers gathered around the holiday table laden with mouthwatering appetizers, chinking their glasses in celebration. If you are going to a holiday party or having one, appetizers are the shining star. Imagine a stress free holiday…